SQL Planner Enterprise Edition
Try 15 days Free Trial
Please watch installation video steps below, it is important to follow installation steps as mentioned or mentioned in Installer document , ignoring it cause setup failure :
Step 1 : Install IIS , watch here how https://youtu.be/LUFWwmfHNlo
Step 2 : Install Application with SA account, watch here how https://youtu.be/ipMw72BqXmU
Software & Hardware Requirement :
- Windows Server 2012 or Higher OR Windows 8, 10, 11 or Higher
- SSD or Equivalent IO speed disk
- 16 GB Memory or Higher (For Trial 6GB is also Ok)
- CPU 4 Core or Higher (For Trial 1 Core is also Ok)
- Configure IIS service – Please follow instruction here to install : https://youtu.be/LUFWwmfHNlo
- SQL Server 2012 Higher to store SQL Planner repository on Local machine (For Trial SQL Express Free Edition is also Ok) – To configure on remote machine or advance configuration or know complete product, consider taking a training here
Permission :
- Admin on Host machine where SQL Planner will be installed
- SQL Server – Sys Admin or Control Server SQL Server User Credential
Steps to install SQL Planner :
- Download SQL Planner setup file from http://mssqlplanner.com/download-product/
- Extract from Zip and Run SQLPlanner_Setup.exe
- Agree with License Terms and Click Next,
- Mention Local SQL Server name and SA Credential for SQL Planner to create its repository database and click install
- watch here how https://youtu.be/ipMw72BqXmU
Steps to Create a SQL Server Monitoring Job in SQL Planner
- Login to SQL Planner, Default User ID – Admin & Password is Admin , Navigate to Menu > Click Create Monitoring Or Health analysis Job
- Mention the SQL Server Name and credential (SQL User Sys Admin or with Control Server Permission)
- Once connected, specify threshold definition to receive alerts – (SQL Planner has 100+ alerts, To simplify things only 15 of them are shown in this page, rest are automatically sent.)
- Mention user email id who would receive alert notifications, you need to define your DB Email setting and add in SQL Planner setting to send email , else by default it sends you via Elastic Email company API through internet which is third party, We don’t recommend for production users.
Watch you tube video for instruction here : https://youtu.be/6l7uwFai85w
Uninstall SQL Planner
Login to SQL Planner > On Dashboard Click Server Monitoring > If you see any server listed that are being monitored then click Action and click Delete > this will delete Job and few Extended event from Server.
Steps to Un-install SQL Planner :
- Download SQL Planner setup file from http://mssqlplanner.com/download-product/
- Extract from Zip and Run SQLPlanner_Setup.exe
- Uninstall Tab > Specify SQL Planner repository Host SQL server sysadmin credential and Uninstall.