Please watch installation video steps below, it is important to follow installation steps as mentioned or mentioned in Installer document , ignoring it cause setup failure  :

Step 1 : Install IIS , watch here how

Step 2 : Install Application with SA account, watch here how

Software & Hardware Requirement :

  1. Windows Server 2012 or Higher OR Windows 8, 10, 11 or Higher
  2. SSD or Equivalent IO speed disk
  3. 16 GB Memory or Higher (For Trial 6GB is also Ok)
  4. CPU 4 Core or Higher (For Trial 1 Core is also Ok)
  5. Configure IIS service – Please follow instruction here to install :
  6. SQL Server 2012 Higher to store SQL Planner repository on Local machine (For Trial SQL Express Free Edition is also Ok) – To configure on remote machine or advance configuration or know complete product, consider taking a training here 

Permission :

  1. Admin on Host machine where SQL Planner will be installed
  2. SQL Server – Sys Admin or Control Server SQL Server User Credential

Steps to install SQL Planner :

  1. Download SQL Planner setup file from
  2. Extract from Zip and Run SQLPlanner_Setup.exe
  3. Agree with License Terms and Click Next,
  4. Mention Local SQL Server name and SA Credential for SQL Planner to create its repository database and click install
  5. watch here how

Steps to Create a SQL Server Monitoring Job in SQL Planner

  • Login to  SQL Planner, Default User ID – Admin & Password is Admin , Navigate to Menu > Click Create Monitoring Or Health analysis Job
  • Mention the SQL Server Name and credential (SQL User Sys Admin or with Control Server Permission) 
  • Once connected, specify threshold definition to receive alerts – (SQL Planner has 100+ alerts, To simplify things only 15 of them are shown in this page, rest are automatically sent.) 
  • Mention user email id who would receive alert notifications, you need to define your DB Email setting and add in SQL Planner setting to send email , else by default it sends you via Elastic Email company API through internet which is third party, We don’t recommend for production users. 

Watch you tube video for instruction here :

Uninstall SQL Planner

Login to SQL Planner > On Dashboard Click Server Monitoring > If you see any server listed that are being monitored then click Action and click Delete > this will delete Job and few Extended event from Server.

Steps to Un-install SQL Planner :

  • Download SQL Planner setup file from
  • Extract from Zip and Run SQLPlanner_Setup.exe
  • Uninstall Tab > Specify SQL Planner repository Host SQL server sysadmin credential and Uninstall.